Below are the simple steps to follow:
The two best ways to submit an application is to apply online or call us on 1300 911 323,
if you apply online our system will automatically email your confirmation to us. We will contact you thereafter.
Once we have all of the information we need, Not at Fault will assess the application to make sure we are able to supply you with a vehicle.
When your claim is approved Not at fault will contact you to organise a date and time of delivery that is convenient for you. Usually we will meet you at your smash repair shop when you are dropping off your vehicle for repairs.
If your vehicle is already at the smash repair shop, or it is not legally drivable we can deliver the hire vehicle to your home or workplace.
We can even drop off after hours if that fits in with your schedule at a small additional cost of $30 to drop it at your house after hours.
When Not at Fault delivers the replacement vehicle to you, we will ask you to sign the rental agreement which states the terms and conditions of the rental. We will also ask you sign an authority to act.
Subject to delivery being available in your area, when your repair is finished, you drop off the vehicle at the smash repair shop and pick up your vehicle. If your vehicle has been deemed a total loss, we will collect our vehicle directly from you once your settlement has been made.
If delivery is unavailable in your area you will need to return the vehicle to the hire depot yourself before picking up your own car.
Once the rental is complete Not at Fault will be paid for the charges by the at fault driver’s insurance company. You are completely indemnified against the charges under the terms of the Contract of Indemnity signed by you at the outset.
Not at Fault Rentals will require a copy of the adjusted smash repair quote and will usually obtain this directly from the smash repair shop itself. However, you may need to supply this upon request by Not at Fault.
The only cost will be if you get toll notices and traffic infringements, which will be past over to you using the stat declination process and a admin charge of $40 will be charged , for the total amount of tolls, not for each one like all the other companies.